Harbor Ring is gauging interest on a Bike Jersey order. Below is the jersey design. Please consult the size chart here, and if you’re interested fill out the order form.

Harbor Ring is gauging interest on a Bike Jersey order. Below is the jersey design. Please consult the size chart here, and if you’re interested fill out the order form.
Daelin Fischman isn’t satisfied with the recent report the MTA released, and voices his opinion on why it isn’t enough.
“The latest proposal was funded after years of advocacy pushing for it. Yet, it was never publicly released. Instead, Streetsblog had to obtain it via the Freedom of Information Act, like it was some secret CIA report. The plan Streetsblog recovered was a detailed engineering report rife with facts and figures. The one thing missing from the report was a clear way to give pedestrians and cyclists access to the bridge. The directive given by the public to the MTA was ‘find a way to give us bridge access.’ The report’s troubled conclusion is that access is not possible without $350 million and 20 years to wait.
We reject that conclusion. The final report that was dragged out of the MTA is a betrayal of the public directive.” – Daelin Fischman
You can read more here
After years of FOIL requests by Streetsblog, the MTA finally released a report for building a bicycle and pedestrian lane on the Verrazzano bridge in December 2020. The report completely abandoned several viable options presented by the bridge’s original designers (Ammann & Whitney), instead presenting several focus groups with an extremely jazzed up plan that came with a superfluous price tag. Gersh, of Streetsblog has the latest.
The never seen before report, obtained by Streetsblog, below.
After the relaunch of the joint campaign with Transportation Alternatives and Bike South Brooklyn, an article by the Bklyner covered highlights of the event. Click here to read the full story.